
Some Ministries at Advent

ALTAR GUILD: Members of the Altar Guild prepare the sanctuary and elements for each service. They also take care of the linens and vestments of the church. Contact person: Lynn Johns at (352) 465-7272

ACOLYTES: The acolytes assist with the services. There is a need for young adult and adult acolytes.
Contact person: Liz Herrick at (352) 465-7272

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Adult education includes, Bible studies, Education for Ministry, and other programs throughout the year. Please check the calendar, the Advent newsletter or call the church for more information at  (352) 465-7272.

CHOIR: The choir provides music for the Holy Eucharist and other services. Choir practice is on Wednesdays at 3:15 p.m.  Contact person: Norma Holecsko at (352) 465-7272

DAUGHTERS OF THE KING:  Meet on the first Saturday of the month at 10:30pm

EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN:  The women of the church, who are automatically members, meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 10:00am, to plan social events, fund raisers and dinners to benefit Advent and the community.

FOOD PANTRY: The Church has open up a food pantry every first Wednesday of the month at 9:00 am to Noon.  You need to bring Marion county ID, Social Security Cards for all household members and proof of income.

LECTORS, LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS AND LAY EUCHARISTIC VISITORS: The Diocese of Central Florida has periodic training sessions for LEM’s and LEV’s. LEM’s assist with the Eucharist at most services and LEV’s take Holy Communion to shut-ins. Lectors assist in the reading of the lesson at Holy Eucharist services.
LEM contact person: Call the Office at (352) 465-7272

Psalm 121 (Intercessory Prayer Group): This group prays for the needs of others here and around the world.  Call the Office at (352) 465-7272

SCHOOL SUPPLIES: Helping to provide much needed supplies to Sunrise and Marion Oaks Elementary Schools, both Title I schools.  Contact Irma McNeal: at (352) 465-7272

USHERS: Volunteers welcome and seat the congregation at each service and assist with the weekly offering.  Contact person: For Ushers call Dick/Bonnie Purnell at (352) 465-7272.  

WE CARE: This group reaches out to members of the congregation who are shut-in for various reasons. Transportation and meals are sometimes
provided as well.

OTHER MINISTRIES: Contact the church office (352) 465-7272